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if b + a ,

since a+b equals b + a due to it being commutative . it shud have the same magnitude and direction

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Q: If vector B is added to vector A under what circumstances does the resultant vector A plus B have magnitude A plus B. under what circumstances does the resultant vector equals to zero?
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If is added to under what conditions does the resultant vector have a magnitude equal to A B?

1. When the two vectors are parlell the magnitude of resultant vector R=A+B. 2. When the two vectors are having equal magnitude and they are antiparlell then R=A-A=0. For more information:

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If the angle decreases, the magnitude of the resultant vector increases.

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To find the magnitude of the resultant vector, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Simply square the x-component, square the y-component, add them together, and then take the square root of the sum. This will give you the magnitude of the resultant vector.

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The direction of the resultant vector with zero magnitude is indeterminate or undefined because the two equal and opposite vectors cancel each other out completely.

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The resultant vector is the vector that represents the sum of two or more vectors. It is calculated by adding the corresponding components of the vectors together. The magnitude and direction of the resultant vector depend on the magnitudes and directions of the individual vectors.

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If they are parallel, you can add them algebraically to get a resultant vector. Then you can resolve the resultant vector to obtain the vector components.

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The diagonal of the rectangle represents the resultant of the velocities when added using vector addition. The magnitude and direction of this diagonal give the magnitude and direction of the resultant velocity vector.