Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you're 49 years old now, that means you were born 49 years ago. So, if we take the current year and subtract 49 from it, we can figure out the year you were born in. Just a little arithmetic magic to bring a smile to your day!
If I am 88 now what year was I born
If you were born in 1964 and its now 2013 you would be 48, but that's only if you haven't had your birthday yet if you have then you would be 49.
If in April 2013, you were born in 2013 - 49 = 1964
2010 - 1961 = 49 Around 49
It is 2015 now - so 49 years ago it was 1966.
49 years old
If I am 88 now what year was I born
If you were born in 1964 and its now 2013 you would be 48, but that's only if you haven't had your birthday yet if you have then you would be 49.
If now is 2010 you were born in:1986
The year after 49 BC is 48 BC.
Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).