If you are currently 49 years old, you were born in either 1972 or 1971, depending on whether you have had your birthday this year yet. This calculation is based on subtracting your current age from the current year.
About 49 weeks a year
There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 49 months is equal to 49/12 = 4 remainder 1 or 4 years 1 month.
If in April 2013, you were born in 2013 - 49 = 1964
If you are currently 49 years old, you were born in either 1972 or 1971, depending on whether you have had your birthday this year yet. This calculation is based on subtracting your current age from the current year.
49 years old
The year after 49 BC is 48 BC.
If it's the year 2009, the person would be 49 +/- 1 year depending on the month of birth.
If you were born in 1965 you would be either 49 or 50 today, June 28th 2015,depending on the day of the year you were born.
He was 49 or 50 depending on which month. He turned 50 in Jan since he was born in 1948.
I would be 48 or possibly 49. Me? I'm ancient, I was born in 1951.49 years 3 months old
The American actor Brad Pitt was born in the year 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He is currently 49 years old. He is married to Angelina Jolie and they have 6 children.
Someone was 49 years old in any year of your choice.
Yes, at 20 she/he is an adult and she/he can date a person who is 49.
"AD" is short for "Anno Domini", meaning 'in the year of our Lord'. So AD 49 means the year 49.