Since there is no information on which year you were born in, it is not possible to answer the question.
2nd of April 1948
If you were born in 1965 you would be either 49 or 50 today, June 28th 2015,depending on the day of the year you were born.
To determine the age of someone born in 1973, you would subtract 1973 from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, the calculation would be 2022 - 1973 = 49. Therefore, someone born in 1973 would be 49 years old in 2022.
On April 9th or earlier int he year 1924 you would be 86. After April 9th or today 85. Take the year 2010 and subtract 1924.
Jacques Brel was born on April 8th 1929 in Schaarbeek, Belgium. He was a singer, songwriter and also an actor. He died on October 9th 1978 at the very young age of 49.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you're 49 years old now, that means you were born 49 years ago. So, if we take the current year and subtract 49 from it, we can figure out the year you were born in. Just a little arithmetic magic to bring a smile to your day!
Sarah E Goode was born sometime in 1855. She died on April 8, 1905. At the time of her death, she was 49 or 50 years old.
Don Mattingly is 49 years old. He was born on April 20, 1961.
Marcus Sedgwick/Date of birth April 8, 1968 (age 49)
They were born on April Fools Day: 1st April 1978.
April 15,1999
As of January 2010 the year of birth would be 1989 and will turn 21 on April 1st.
Princeton's birthday is April 21 and the year they were born in was 1997.
49 years old