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Q: If you create and plant rows that are perpendicular to the slope of fields instead of up and down slopes to prevent erosion you are?
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What is the importance of forests man kind?

They create oxygen which we need to live and prevent erosion.

What would be the best thing to do in order to prevent erosion on a bare hill?

Planting vegetation such as grass or shrubs can help prevent erosion on a bare hill by creating root systems that stabilize the soil. Additionally, installing erosion control measures like retaining walls or terracing can help slow down water flow and prevent soil from washing away. Regular maintenance and monitoring of erosion-prone areas is also essential in preventing erosion.

How do shelter belts prevent soil erosion?

It protects soil mainly from wind erosion, shelterbelts are lines of trees to create turbulence lifting incoming wind from going to the surface of soil.

How can afforestation prevent flooding?

Afforestation is the opposite of deforestation. It can create habitats for wildlife and it stabilises the ground to prevent surface run prevents soil erosion and the fields do not get barren and infertile.

What does erosion make?

Erosion is the process of wearing away and moving rock or soil. It can create various landforms such as canyons, valleys, and beaches as its forces shape the Earth's surface over time.

How do mangroves prevent erosion?

Mangroves have dense root systems that anchor the soil and reduce the impact of waves and currents, helping to prevent erosion along coastlines. Their root systems also trap sediment and create barriers that slow down the movement of water, further reducing erosion. Mangrove forests act as natural coastal defenses that protect shorelines from erosion caused by tides, waves, and storms.

Is there any erosion on the river Thames?

All rivers create erosion but the Thames does not have significant problems of erosion.

How did weathering erosion transport and deposition create waterfalls?

Waterfalls are formed when flowing water erodes soft rock layers faster than hard rock layers, creating a step-like structure. This erosion is often caused by a combination of factors such as weathering, erosion, transport of sediment, and deposition of material downstream. Over time, the continuous erosion of the softer rock and the downstream transportation and deposition of sediment contribute to the formation and shaping of waterfalls.

Does a recTANGLE have a pair of perpendicular sides?

A rectangle is formed by perpendicular lines that create four 90 degree angles.

What two landforms did erosion create?


What does waves create through erosion?


What natural disaster does weathering create?

Weathering does not create natural disasters. Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface over time through exposure to weather conditions. Natural disasters such as landslides, sinkholes, and rockfalls can occur as a result of weakened rock formations caused by weathering.