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There are theories that many people, particularly those with a bad heart, die before hitting the ground due to the shock and terror of the fall itself, although this is really difficult to determine since it is impossible to predecit the exact second a person dies (whether they die just before impact from a heart attack, or the impact itself).

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Q: If you fall off a great height do you die before you hit the ground?
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If you fall off a great height do you die before yu hit the ground?

No, you do not die before hitting the ground. However, falling from a great height can cause significant injuries or death upon impact due to the force of the fall. It is important to take precautions to avoid falling from great heights.

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Get a parachute

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The student has potential energy before jumping off the bridge, which is due to their height above the ground. This potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as they fall.

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An object dropped from a height without any initial velocity, a skydiver falling towards the ground before deploying their parachute, and a rock falling off a cliff are all examples of free fall.

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The answer depends on its initial velocity and the height from which its fall to the ground is measured.

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It will fall before the Doomsday come,

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No, objects fall at the same rate regardless of their horizontal velocity. Both objects would hit the ground at the same time if dropped from the same height.

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if you do it right before the ground you will die, but if you have the game it is not that hard to test

Can you live a 100 mph fall?

Not unless you fall into tall, soft trees to slow you before you hit the ground.