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1 second, since all objects fall at 16 feet per second.

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Q: You drop a penny from a height of 16 feet After how many seconds does the penny land on the ground?
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You drop a penny from a height of 16 feet after how many seconds does the penny land on the ground with work?


What is the hypothesis of penny drop?

The hypothesis of the penny drop experiment is that the design of the container, the height from which the penny is dropped, and the amount of water in the container will affect whether the penny lands heads up or heads down.

If you drop a tennis ball how long will it take to touch the ground?

It depends on what height you drop it from.

What will hit the ground first a pencil or penny?

There are many factors that can affect the time for these objects to drop. The height at which each object is dropped is a factor since the height is proportional to time. if the height at which these objects are dropped are the same, then the time for them to drop to the floor is the same. Since the acceleration due to gravity at sea level is 9.81 m/s^2 for all objects no matter the mass, both objects will accelerate at the same rate which means they will reach the floor at the same rate. All in all, both the pencil and the penny will hit the ground at the same time.

Drop a penny from a tower and it takes 4.82 seconds to hit the ground. How tall is the tower?

The height of the tower is approximately 118.33 meters. This is calculated using the formula h = (1/2) * g * t^2, where h is the height of the tower, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time taken for the penny to fall (4.82 seconds).

What will happen to the stone once it hit the ground from the hill?

It is quite obvious, it will just hit the ground. The force depending on the height you dropped it from. For example: If you drop it from a high height it may shatter or it may land with more pressure. If you drop it from a low height it will simply drop with hardly any pressure.

What object drops to the ground?

An object will drop to the ground if it is released from a height due to the force of gravity pulling it downwards.

If you drop a penny and a text book at the sametime. which one will hit the ground first?

If a penny and a text book were dropped in a vacuum then they will both hit the ground at the same time. This refers to Newton's laws. If they are dropped at the same time on earth then the text book would hit the ground first.

How do you measure height by dropping an object?

-- Take a heavy object and a stopwatch. -- Start the timer as you drop the object from the unknown height. -- Stop the timer when the object hits the ground. -- Read the time off the watch, in seconds. Square it. (Multiply it by itself.) -- Multiply that result by 16.1 . -- Now you have the distance the object fell, in feet.

Can you use time to measure height?

Yes. Drop a rock from the top of the height, and carefully measure the time it takes to hit the ground.If ' T ' is the number of seconds it falls, then the height is4.9 T2 metersor16.1 T2 feet.

When you drop a tennis ball to the ground why doesnt it return to its initial height?

because it wants to be low enough to give a blowy

How fast does a tennis ball lose its bounce?

depends on what height you drop it like 5 inches its 2 seconds