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In listing the contents of the marble jar, you mentioned yellow marbles twice ...

"2 yellow marbles" and "1 yellow marble". We'll assume there are 3 yellow marbles.

Also note:

You didn't actually say that the numbers 1 through 10 are printed on the 10 sides

of the 10-sided die. We'll assume that they are.

Also note:

You didn't actually say that we select a marble at the same time that we toss the

10-sided die. We'll assume that we're supposed to do that.

Now that we've done the proof-reading and cleaned up the question, we can go ahead

and answer it:

The probability of rolling a 10 with the 10-sided die is 1 out of 10 = 0.1 .

There are 18 marbles total in the jar, and 3 of them are yellow. The probability of

drawing one yellow marble out of the jar is (3/18) = 1/6 .

The probability of drawing 1 yellow marble and rolling a 10 on the die is

(1/6) x (0.1) = 12/3%

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Q: If you had 10 red marbles 5 blue marbles 2 yellow marbles 1 yellow marble and rolled a 10 sided die What is the probability of getting 1 yellow marble and a 10?
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