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Q: If you have 100 feet of fence which measurements would give you the largest area?
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How much maximum area can 100 ft of fence hold in a rectangle?

The maximum area possible using 100 feet of fencing is that inside a circular fence. But, since you asked about a rectangular fence: a 25x25 fence would hold 625 square feet. a 10x40 fence would hold 400 square feet. a 5x45 fence would hold 225 square feet. As you can see, the square is the rectangle that encompasses the largest area, as it is closest to a circle.

A gardener wants to fence the largest possible rectangular area using 200 yards of encing. what is the best length and width of the garden?

a 60 by 40 yard would yeild an area of 2400 sq feet.

How many feet of fence would you need to fence in 2 acres?

The amount of fence needed to surround 2 acres depends on the perimeter, not the area.

Which shape has the largest area per perimeter?

In other words ... least fence for greatest area ... First place . . . Circle Second place . . . Square

What measurements do you need to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle how would you use these measurements to find the area and perimeter of a square?

The lengths of the base and the side. You would multiply these to get the area and would double sum of the two to obtain the perimeter measurement.

Enclosing a rectangular area using 34 feet of fence?

The area would be 30 square feet.

Why does a 16 foot fence arranged 1 ft by 7ft make a smaller area than when arranged 3ft by 5ft?

Because Area and Perimeter are not directly linked. If you were to make the fence into a triangle you would get another area, a circle would give a fourth.

What is the name for a fencing ground?

If you mean the area in which you fence, you would call it the "strip" or "piste".

Dog Fence?

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Privacy Fence?

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If you have 100 meters of fencing what is the area of the largest pen you can make?

The largest pen you can make is a circle with a circumference of 100 meters.Its diameter is 31.83 meters, and its area = 795.77 square meters.It's a lot easier to just go with a square ... the largest area you can make with straight sides.Use the 100 meters of fence to enclose a (25 x 25) square. The area is 625 square meters.

Largest area of land?

The largest area of land is Asia, covering around 30% of Earth's land area.