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It could be infected, if not cleaned well. It could be a sign of hepatitis c. NO I would have thought that it is either infected or your body rejecting it. NO My friend got one and it kind of looks like a little zit, our peircer said that the peircing probably got irritated badly, and just keep it clean, don't mess with it, and it should heal on its own. NO I had that problem and i left it i thought it was supposed to be there but it wasnt i irritated it too much by taking it out and putting it back in 2 weeks after i got it done i did becaus eknow one belived it was real then i went to the docotors i had to take perscribtion pills for it and everything it hurt really bad i let it close and then re pierced it by my slef i have not had a problem since but my sudgestion would be dont take it out before your supposed to just leave it be clean it right and dont irritate it it should be fine Answer That happened to Me a few years ago when I got mine done (I was just turned 12) I got lazy with the piercing and didn't like the fact of waking up early hours i n the morning and c;eaning the piercing with water as soon as i got up and showered. I went to the shop where I got my navel pierced and they said it was just puss that needed to be released and said it'll go down soon but it didn't, so I decided to squeese it as if it were a spot or something to let the puss out. It did th piercing the world of good and i cleaned to lots after and now it's fine and looks great. Check the Related Links for a solution to your problems with lumps and bumps.

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Q: If you have a lump at one side of your navel piercing what could it be?
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What could you a small painless lump be on your right side of neck?


What could a nickel-sized lump on the mid-right side of the neck be that causes limited head movement to the right?

You need to go to a doctor.

What could a lump be on the back of your neck bone on the right side?

Could be anything. Could be a muscle knot, could be a cyst, could be a benign growth of tissue, could be worse. Could be something else. Get to a doctor. You need someone with experience to examine it.AnswerIt could be a bone spur.

What is a lump under the jawline on your left side that is soft with a hard center and below it there is a double chin only on one side of your face?

I currently have a hard small lump under my jawline and i have been to numerous doctors and they have concluded that it is a deposit due to clenching your jaw at night. You will need to get a night guard and wear it at night. IF you do not the lump will continue to get more painful and you will start getting really bad headaches:(

What could cause two lumps on either side of your skull?

They could have been there from birth and grown larger into adulthood and you never really paid attention to them. I have done a lot of research on this and found nothing on this sort of thing. Think about what you have been doing. If the lumps seem to be on the same spot on each side of your skull then perhaps you are wearing a bike helmet or if you are male, helmets in sports and it's irritating your skull causing the lump. It could also be bony spurs, but this is unlikely. Any lumps should be checked out by your doctor.

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Can navel piercing be on the side of your belly button?

If it hangs or dangles chances are good that it will retain a piercing. Placing the navel piercing off to the side will be problematic for aftercare and irritation during the healing process. If you haven't had a navel piercing before then stay with something that is simpler to care for and will give a result a navel piercing is supposed to give.

How do you sleep after getting a navel piercing?

On your back or side.

What are Navel piercing risks?

As long as you follow the aftercare given to you by your piercer, there are no risks involved in navel piercings. There are no nerves or viens in that area of your body. Edit: As far as i know, theres no definite risks. Infection is a probablitie for any piercing, and from my research, its quite common on naval piercings so make sure you keep it clean (:

What could a lump in your side be If you had a lump on your right side under your rib cage about pea size and it didn't hurt but has gotten softer what would it be?

it could be a calcium deposit...

What could you a small painless lump be on your right side of neck?


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If there is a hard lump on someoneâ??s clavicle, it could be a type of cyst. It could also be a broken collarbone.

What is it called if you have one lip piercing on the left side?

For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

If a lump is on the side of your neck do you think it could be anything serious?

See your doctor..It could be serious...

What should you do if your navel piercing is slightly twisted to the side?

Is it twisted to the side or not pierced straight up and down? If it is not staight go back to the shop you had it done at and have it redone correctly or take it out let it heal and have it done with a different piercer or shop.

A lump on the side of a Chinese pug?

Go to your Vet it could be anything from reaction to vaccination, fatty lump or Cancer but you need to make sure.

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any lump should be looked at by a physician whether it is painful or not, one never knows whether it could be cancerous or not..