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Q: Which equation can pair with 3x 4y 8 to create a consistent and independent system?
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When will the system of linear equation be consistent?

When its matrix is non-singular.

What makes an equation either inconsistent consistent dependent or independent?

That doesn't apply to "an" equation, but to a set of equations (2 or more). Two equations are:* Inconsistent, if they have no common solution (a set of values, for the variables, that satisfies ALL the equations in the set). * Consistent, if they do. * Dependent, if one equation can be derived from the others. In this case, this equation doesn't provide any extra information. As a simple example, one equation is the same as another equation, multiplying both sides by a constant. * Independent, if this is not the case.

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What type of system of linear equation is y equals -3x-1 and 3x plus -1?

A consistent system.

What must be true about the lines of a system of equation that has not one solution but infinitely many solutions?

There must be fewer independent equation than there are variables. An equation in not independent if it is a linear combination of the others.

Can linear system that has more unknowns than equation be consistent?

yes it can . the system may have infinitely many solutions.

What is the solution of the system yx 6?

Without a second independent equation, it's not a 'system' yet.

What is the solution of the system for yx 6 y2x?

Without a second independent equation, it's not a 'system' yet.

What is more general between Schrodinger time independent or time dependent wave equation?

The time-independent Schrödinger equation is more general as it describes the stationary states of a quantum system, while the time-dependent Schrödinger equation describes the time evolution of the wave function. The time-independent equation can be derived from the time-dependent equation in specific situations.

What is an independent system of linear equations?

An independent system of linear equations is a set of vectors in Rm, where any other vector in Rm can be written as a linear combination of all of the vectors in the set. The vector equation and the matrix equation can only have the trivial solution (x=0).