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That will happen if you have 5 integers.

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Q: If you put several integers in order least to greatest and greatest to least how is it that the same number is always third in order?
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How would you use a number line to put integers in order from greatest to least?

Smaller numbers always go to the left of larger number on the number line.

When several different integers in order from least to greates than put the same integers in order from greatest to least both times the same number was third in order how is this possible?

This will work as long as "five" is an acceptable substitute for "several".

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the greatest number that is an integer and rational number but is not a natural or whole number is -1

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Yes, the difference between two integers is always a whole number.

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The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.

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The sum of two consecutive integers will always be an odd number.

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The greatest factor of any integer is the number itself. The GCF of 8 and 28 is 4.

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For integers to the nearest ten thousand, 25000 to 34999

Ted put several integers in order from least to greatestHe then put the same integers in order from greatest to leastboth times the same number was third in orderexplain how this is possible?

Ted used five integers. EXAMPLE: 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1

Why are integers always included in rational numbers?

A rational number is a number than can be written p/q with p and q integers Any integers can be written this was with q=1

If a number is an integer then is it a rational?

Yes, integers are always rational.

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Greatest common factor is defined for integers, not for just any number.