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The probability of a spinning coin landing on heads is 50% each time.

The probability of five consecutive heads is (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 1/32 = 0.03125 = (3 and 1/8)%

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Q: If you spun a coin 5 times how likely would it be to land on heads every time?
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If you toss a penny 1000 times how many times will it land on heads?

Theoretically, if you have a fair coin, the chances of landing on heads after 1000 tosses is 500, since there are only two outcomes, heads or tails, and each outcome is equally likely. Experimentally, however, the number of times the penny would turn up heads is any number from 1 to 1000, including 1 and 1000 (although these are very unlikely outcomes). The most likely outcome is a number very close to 500.

When you toss a coin what is the probability it will land on heads?

the probability is actually not quite even. It would actually land heads 495 out of 1000 times because the heads side is slightly heavier

What is the probability of a coin landing on heads this is the results hthhhthtthhthtt thhthtthhhhthtt?

Every time you flip a coin it has a 50% probability that it will land on either heads or tails. You would expect to get heads about half the time and tails about half the time. What actually happens could be different from what is expected. You could get heads every time, or tails every time. Or you could get tails 75% of the time and heads 25% of the time. however, your results appear to be what you would expect, approximately 50% heads and 50% tails. You got 16 heads and 14 tails. Your percentage of heads is 16/30 x 100= 53.33... %. Your percentage of tails is 14/30 x 100 = 46.66... %.

If you toss three coins 10000 times how many times would you expect that exactly 2 heads appear?

The expected number is 3750.

Is it theoretical or experimental probability if I flipped a coin eight times and got heads six times?

It is neither. If you repeated sets of 8 tosses and compared the number of times you got 6 heads as opposed to other outcomes, it would comprise proper experimental probability.

Related questions

If you flip a coin 20 times how many times would you expect it to land on heads?

A fair coin would be expected to land on heads 10 times on average.

If you toss a penny 1000 times how many times will it land on heads?

Theoretically, if you have a fair coin, the chances of landing on heads after 1000 tosses is 500, since there are only two outcomes, heads or tails, and each outcome is equally likely. Experimentally, however, the number of times the penny would turn up heads is any number from 1 to 1000, including 1 and 1000 (although these are very unlikely outcomes). The most likely outcome is a number very close to 500.

If you flipped a coin 150 times about how many times would you expect it to land on heads?

A fair coin would be expected to land on heads 75 times.

If you flip a coin 150 times about how many times would you expect to get heads?


If you toss 2 coins simultaneously 400 times would you expect the deviation to be greate or less than it was in tossing them 40 times?

Less. The more times the coin is tossed, the more likely it will reflect the actual odds of .5 heads and .5 tails.

A coin is tossed 100 times how many times would you expect to get heads?

The probability of a heads is 1/2. The expected value of independent events is the number of runs times the probability of the desired result. So: 100*(1/2) = 50 heads

What happened when soldiers in ww1 got onto no man's land how did they get back to their trenches?

Often at times, they wouldn't make it back. They would get owned by the opposition. If they did make it back, they would be dying. More than likely, their heads would have been blown off.

When you toss a coin what is the probability it will land on heads?

the probability is actually not quite even. It would actually land heads 495 out of 1000 times because the heads side is slightly heavier

What is the probability of a coin landing on heads this is the results hthhhthtthhthtt thhthtthhhhthtt?

Every time you flip a coin it has a 50% probability that it will land on either heads or tails. You would expect to get heads about half the time and tails about half the time. What actually happens could be different from what is expected. You could get heads every time, or tails every time. Or you could get tails 75% of the time and heads 25% of the time. however, your results appear to be what you would expect, approximately 50% heads and 50% tails. You got 16 heads and 14 tails. Your percentage of heads is 16/30 x 100= 53.33... %. Your percentage of tails is 14/30 x 100 = 46.66... %.

Suppose you toss a fair coin 75 times how many times would you expect to get heads?

A fair coin means that the probability of a head = probability of a tail = 1/2 So you would expect half the tosses to be heads, ie 1/2 x 75 = 371/2 heads. ...oooOOOooo... Having 1/2 a head doesn't seem possible, but when the question asks about expectation, it is saying: if you repeated the experiment lots of times, how often, on average, would the required result appear. So the expectation of heads when a fair coin is tossed 75 times is asking: if a fair coin was repeatedly tossed 75 times, what would be the (mean) average number of heads achieved? As more and more trials are done and the (mean) average of the number of heads got is taken, it will get closer and closer to 371/2 37 or 38 times. (Obviously, you can't have half of a time.) You will either get one or the other, and a fair coin means that either is just as likely. So, it should split evenly down the middle.

Which organism has no heads?

Every organism has a head, except for maybe germs etc. but those are single celled organisms. if some organisms had no heads the would not be alive like if humans had no head they would not live because we need our brains to live and our mouths to eat . if we had no heads we would SURELY die!

How many times would you expect the coin to land on heads if you flipped the coin 700 times?

Roughly half of the time, so about 350 times.