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A fair coin would be expected to land on heads 10 times on average.

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Q: If you flip a coin 20 times how many times would you expect it to land on heads?
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How many times would you expect the coin to land on heads if you flipped the coin 700 times?

Roughly half of the time, so about 350 times.

If you flipped a coin 150 times about how many times would you expect it to land on heads?

A fair coin would be expected to land on heads 75 times.

Two coins are tossed 50 times how many times do you expect to get two heads?

This is a binomial probability distribution The probability of exactly 2 heads in 50 coin tosses of a fair coin is 1.08801856E-12. If you want to solve this for how many times 50 coin tosses it would take to equal 1 time for it to occur, take the reciprocal, which yields you would have to make 9.191019648E11 tosses of 50 times to get exactly 2 heads (this number is 919,101,964,800 or 919 billion times). If you assume 5 min for 50 tosses and 24 hr/day tossing the coin, it would take 8,743,360 years. That is the statistical analysis. As an engineer, looking at the above analysis, I would say it is almost impossible flipping the coin 50 times to get exactly 2 heads or I would not expect 2 heads on 50 coin tosses. So, to answer your question specifically, I would say none.

If two coins are tossed 50 times how many times do you expect to get two heads?

This is a binomial probability distribution The probability of exactly 2 heads in 50 coin tosses of a fair coin is 1.08801856E-12. If you want to solve this for how many times 50 coin tosses it would take to equal 1 time for it to occur, take the reciprocal, which yields you would have to make 9.191019648E11 tosses of 50 times to get exactly 2 heads (this number is 919,101,964,800 or 919 billion times). If you assume 5 min for 50 tosses and 24 hr/day tossing the coin, it would take 8,743,360 years. That is the statistical analysis. As an engineer, looking at the above analysis, I would say it is almost impossible flipping the coin 50 times to get exactly 2 heads or I would not expect 2 heads on 50 coin tosses. So, to answer your question specifically, I would say none.

Suppose you have an extremely unfair coin the probability of a head is ¼ and the probability of a tail is ¾ If you toss the coin 32 times how many heads do you expect to see?

Expected number of heads is 1/4 * 32 or 8 heads.

Related questions

If you flip a coin 150 times about how many times would you expect to get heads?


How many times would you expect the coin to land on heads if you flipped the coin 700 times?

Roughly half of the time, so about 350 times.

If you flipped a coin 150 times about how many times would you expect it to land on heads?

A fair coin would be expected to land on heads 75 times.

if you flipped a coin 60 times how many times would you expect the coin to land on heads?

30 maybe but i say 35 or 31

A coin is tossed 100 times how many times would you expect to get heads?

The probability of a heads is 1/2. The expected value of independent events is the number of runs times the probability of the desired result. So: 100*(1/2) = 50 heads

Two coins are tossed 50 times how many times do you expect to get two heads?

This is a binomial probability distribution The probability of exactly 2 heads in 50 coin tosses of a fair coin is 1.08801856E-12. If you want to solve this for how many times 50 coin tosses it would take to equal 1 time for it to occur, take the reciprocal, which yields you would have to make 9.191019648E11 tosses of 50 times to get exactly 2 heads (this number is 919,101,964,800 or 919 billion times). If you assume 5 min for 50 tosses and 24 hr/day tossing the coin, it would take 8,743,360 years. That is the statistical analysis. As an engineer, looking at the above analysis, I would say it is almost impossible flipping the coin 50 times to get exactly 2 heads or I would not expect 2 heads on 50 coin tosses. So, to answer your question specifically, I would say none.

If two coins are tossed 50 times how many times do you expect to get two heads?

This is a binomial probability distribution The probability of exactly 2 heads in 50 coin tosses of a fair coin is 1.08801856E-12. If you want to solve this for how many times 50 coin tosses it would take to equal 1 time for it to occur, take the reciprocal, which yields you would have to make 9.191019648E11 tosses of 50 times to get exactly 2 heads (this number is 919,101,964,800 or 919 billion times). If you assume 5 min for 50 tosses and 24 hr/day tossing the coin, it would take 8,743,360 years. That is the statistical analysis. As an engineer, looking at the above analysis, I would say it is almost impossible flipping the coin 50 times to get exactly 2 heads or I would not expect 2 heads on 50 coin tosses. So, to answer your question specifically, I would say none.

Suppose you have an extremely unfair coin the probability of a head is ¼ and the probability of a tail is ¾ If you toss the coin 32 times how many heads do you expect to see?

Expected number of heads is 1/4 * 32 or 8 heads.

What is the probablity that the sequence will be heads-heads-heads if you toss a coin 3 times?

the probability of getting heads-heads-heads if you toss a coin three times is 1 out of 9.

If a coin was tossed 1000 times what would be the probability that coin will land on heads?

1/2 or 0.5

Suppose you toss a fair coin 75 times how many times would you expect to get heads?

A fair coin means that the probability of a head = probability of a tail = 1/2 So you would expect half the tosses to be heads, ie 1/2 x 75 = 371/2 heads. ...oooOOOooo... Having 1/2 a head doesn't seem possible, but when the question asks about expectation, it is saying: if you repeated the experiment lots of times, how often, on average, would the required result appear. So the expectation of heads when a fair coin is tossed 75 times is asking: if a fair coin was repeatedly tossed 75 times, what would be the (mean) average number of heads achieved? As more and more trials are done and the (mean) average of the number of heads got is taken, it will get closer and closer to 371/2 37 or 38 times. (Obviously, you can't have half of a time.) You will either get one or the other, and a fair coin means that either is just as likely. So, it should split evenly down the middle.

A coin is flipped 60 times it lands on heads 36 times Do you think that the coin is biased?

yes the coin is biased because it turned to heads 36 times.