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3.2 miles because of the smaller leg's.

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Q: If you walk 1 mile how far is your Maltese actually walking?
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If you walk 1.0 mile in a pool how many miles do you walk on land?

When you walk 1.0 mile in a pool, you are not actually covering any distance on land. The distance you walk in a pool is solely within the pool itself and does not translate to any distance on land. Walking in water provides resistance that can help strengthen muscles, but it does not equate to walking on land in terms of distance covered.

How long would it take to walk 0.05 miles?

It takes 20 minutes to walk 1 mile It'll take 10 minutes to walk 0.5 mile Therefore, 1 minute to walk 0.05 mile At the rate of 3mph, which is the average walking speed!

What is the difference between walking a mile or a kilometer?

Well, a mile is pretty close to 1.6 kilometers. So it should take you about 1.6 times longer to walk a full mile, than to walk a single kilometer. Therefore, if it takes you 20 minutes to walk that mile, then you'll have finished walking a kilometer in around 12.5 minutes.

How many minutes are in a mile walking?

Depends on how fast you walk and how large your steps are

How many minutes would it take to walk a mile?

The average walking speed is about 3 miles an hour, so it would take about 20 minutes to walk a mile. However, it depends on your health, what you are carrying, and level of effort: walking slowly = 20-25 mins per mile walking briskly = 17-20 mins per mile walking fast = 13-17 mins per mile jogging = 9-13 mins per mile running = 5-9 mins per mile

How many minutes are in a mile while walking?

Depends on how fast you walk and how large your steps are

How long would it take to walk quarter of a mile normal speed?

it takes 4 minutes to walk a mile :)Actually, Sir Roger Bannister _ran_ a mile in just under 4 minutes in 1954.More realistically, a normal walking speed is about 3 miles per hour, or 20 minutes per mile.

How long does it take walking a mile?

It depends on how fast you walk. If you walk at an average pace it should take 15-20 minutes.

How fast in mph are you walking if you walk an 19 minute mile?

3.16 miles per hour.

Do you lose as many calories walking as you do running?

This actually depends on a few factors. Running will of course need more energy than walking. This is however TimeWise. 10 minutes of running burn more calories that 10 minutes of walking. If one look at distance instead of time. 1 mile of running burns only marginally more calories than 1 mile of walking. You will however build up more muscles and extend your lungcapacity more by running than with slow walking. Regards.

How long does it take to walk a mile walking 7mph?

About 8 minutes are 34 seconds.

How many minutes will it take to walk 1 mile?

In slow walking pace, about 15 - 20 minutes.