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Q: If you were 25 what year would you be born in?
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What year would you be born in if you were 25 now?

2012 - 25 = 1987

What year were you born if you're 25?

You would have been born in 1990.

How old would you be if born in February 1988?

You will be 25 this year (2013)

What year do you was born in if you 25?

IF you will be 25 in the year 2012 - you were born sometime in the year 1987 !

What year would you be born in if you were 25?

A person who turned 25 in 2011 was born in 1986. People who turned 25 in 2012 were born in 1987. Those who turned 25 in 2013 were born in 1988. And a person turning 25 in 2014 was born in 1989

What year were you born if you turn 21 today?

Born June 25 1990 would make you 21 today.

If you were born on October 7 1985 how old would you be today?

If it is the year of 2010, you would be 25 years old.

How old am if if you were born on 04.10.1987?

You would be 25 years old - reaching your 26th birthday this year.

How old would you be if you were born on May 25 1996?

Counting from the present year, 2011, you would be 15 years old.

What year where you born on to be 25?

The year of birth is 1985.

When were you born if your 25 in the year 1900?

In the year 1875.

What year was Lauryn Hill born?

she was born 25/1975