If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
If you were born on December 5, 1981 you will have turned 28 in 2009.
well if you really need that much help adding you would be 28 or 29 depending when your birthday is
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If I was born December 9, 1981 I would be 29!
If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
In 2010, if you were born in 1981, you would be 29 years old. This is because you would subtract the year of your birth (1981) from the current year (2010) to determine your age. Mathematically, 2010 - 1981 = 29.
born 12/2/1981 she would have been 21 in 2002
If you were born on December 5, 1981 you will have turned 28 in 2009.
If I were born in April 1981, I would be 40 years old.
He Was Born On The 15th Of January 1981.
well if you really need that much help adding you would be 28 or 29 depending when your birthday is
Well it depends. The person could be in the range of 28-30 years of age (depending on the month of his birthday). Source: Calculator: 2010-1981= 29
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If you were born in 1981 you would have your 29th birthday during the year 2010.
OKAY SO DO THIS By using a calculator type these numbers in: 1998 (est. graduation of yr 12) - 1981 (yr of birth) = 17(your age) and age 17 is around when kids graduate year 12 1998 was the year you graduated year 12, kudos
She is 29 and will be 30 on (9/4/11) Born, September 4, 1981 (1981-09-04) (age 29) ...