If you were born on December 5, 1981 you will have turned 28 in 2009.
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
Somewhere between 28-29-30. Your helpful friend, Annika :) :) ;)
2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
He Was Born On The 15th Of January 1981.
Well it depends. The person could be in the range of 28-30 years of age (depending on the month of his birthday). Source: Calculator: 2010-1981= 29
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
She is 29 and will be 30 on (9/4/11) Born, September 4, 1981 (1981-09-04) (age 29) ...
She was born Dec. 19, 1985; in 2009, she will turn 24 years old.
she is currently 15 years old. but will be 16 soon, on dec. 18th she was born in 1993
Mr. Cappozi was born on March 22, 1981 (age 31).
December 2, 1981 (age 28)
He was born December 1, 1981 (age 29).
They started out on Byker Grove at the age of 13.
On Dec 31, 2013 t you will turn 24. On Jan 1, 2014 you will be 24, then on Dec 31, 2014 you will turn 25