If you were born on December 5, 1981 you will have turned 28 in 2009.
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
Somewhere between 28-29-30. Your helpful friend, Annika :) :) ;)
Barbara and Jenna Bush born November 25 1981 age 28 Donovan McNabb born November 25 1976 age 33 Christina Applegate born November 25 1971 age 38 Jill Hennessy born November 25 1968 age 41 Amy Grant born November 25 1960 age 49 John F. Kennedy Jr. born November 25 1960 age 49 John Larroquette born November 25 1947 age 62 Paul Desmond born November 25 1924 age 85 Ricardo Montalban born November 25 1920 age 89 Joe DiMaggio born November 25 1914 age 95 Solanus Casey born November 25 1870 age 139 Carry Nation born November 25 1846 age 163
If you were born on December 5, 1981 you will have turned 28 in 2009.
He Was Born On The 15th Of January 1981.
The retirement age for individuals born in 1981 is 67 years old.
you will be at the age of 28 depending on what month you were born
If you were born in 1981 (oh, the glorious 80s), today you would be 28 or 29, depending on the month you were born in.
She is 29 and will be 30 on (9/4/11) Born, September 4, 1981 (1981-09-04) (age 29) ...
Mr. Cappozi was born on March 22, 1981 (age 31).
December 2, 1981 (age 28)
He was born December 1, 1981 (age 29).
Yes. December 2, 1981 (age 28)
Shahid Kappor is 30 years old now, he was born on the 25th of February 1981.
Born May 5, 1981 Age: 28Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tito_El_Bambino