

Best Answer

That depends on how many questions there are, how many choices are listed for each question,

and whether any obviously-stupid answers are included among the choices. If any of those factors

changes, then the probability changes.

One thing we can guarantee, however, even without knowing any of these factors:

If you have studied the subject and know the material, then your probability of getting

correct answers increases dramatically.

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Q: In a multiple choice test what is the probability of getting two answers correct?
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A test has 2 multiple choice questions each with 3 choices what is the probanility of guessing the correct answers to both questions?

The probability of getting both answers correct is one chance in nine (0.1111+). There are three possible answers for each question, so there is a 1/3 chance of getting the correct answer to one question. To get the correct answer for both questions, the chances are 1/3 x 1/3 or 1/9.

What is the probability of getting a multiple of 5 when rolling 2 dice?

The probability is 7/36

What is the probability of getting 100 percent on a four question quiz?

If it is a T/F test; probability correct for each question is 0.5. Since there are 4 questions, raise 0.5 to the 4th power; e.g. (0.5)4. So, probability all correct is 0.0625. If a 4 part multiple choice, P(correct) = .25 so raise .25 to the 4th power, or .003906.

On a true or false quiz with a total of four questions what is the probability of getting all four questions correct given that the answers to the first two questions are correct?

you'd have a 50% chance of getting the 3rd and 4th question correct because you said the first 2 questions are already anwsered correctly :)

What is probability of getting 20 multiple choice questions wrong in a row?

Let us say that for each question, there are n multiple choices. If this is true and false, then n=2. The chance of getting a right answer is 1/n and wrong answer (n-1)/n. I will define p as getting a wrong answer one time (p = (n-1)/n so the probability of 20 wrong answers is p20. Now for n = 4, p=0.75 and the chance of 20 wrong answers in a row is: (0.75)20= 0.0032 or 0.32%.

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What is the probability of getting all five answers correct if i have five multiple choice questions with four possible answers determine the number of possible answers?

The probability will depend on how much you know and the extent of guessing.

Students are required to answer 2 True of False questions and 1 multiple choice questions with 4 responses If the answers are all guesses what is the probability of getting all 3 questions correct?

The probability of correct true & false question is 1/2 and the probability correct multiple choice (four answer) question is 1/4. We want the probability of correct, correct, and correct. Therefore the probability all 3 questions correct is 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/4 = 1/16.

A multiple choice question has 5 choices if you gets 2 questions what is the probability of getting both correct?

Well they are independent events so it is the probability of getting a correct answer multiplied by the probability of getting a correct answer on the second question. Short Answer: 1/5 times 1/5=1/25

On an eight question true false quiz a student guesses each answer What is the probability that he gets at least One of the answers correct?

The probability of getting at least 1 answer correct = 1 - Probability of getting all answers correct.So in your case it for be P(at least 1 answer correct) = 1 - 1/256where 256 is your sample space, |S| = 2^8.

A test has 2 multiple choice questions each with 3 choices what is the probanility of guessing the correct answers to both questions?

The probability of getting both answers correct is one chance in nine (0.1111+). There are three possible answers for each question, so there is a 1/3 chance of getting the correct answer to one question. To get the correct answer for both questions, the chances are 1/3 x 1/3 or 1/9.

How do probability work?

Probability are the odds of something happening but has multiple answers. Such as probability of getting a 5 in a fair dice would be 1 out of 6 because there are 6 numbers on a dice altogether, and ONE chance of getting a 5 from the total of 6. Therefore, the probability of getting a 5 or any number from a dice would be 1/6.

What is the probability of getting five questions correct on a 20 question multiple choice test?

The answer depends on the number of choices available for each question.

What is the probability that certain genotypes and phenotypes will occur?

This depends entirely on the genotype of the parents. The probability of getting a specific genotype is the probability of getting the correct allele from mother (1/2) multiplied by the probability of getting the correct allele from father (1/2) multiplied by the number of ways this can occur. The probability of getting a phenotype, if the phenotype is dominant, is the sum of the probability of getting two dominant alleles, and the probability of getting one dominant allele. If the phenotype is recessive, the probability is equal to the probability of getting two recessive alleles.

What is the probability of getting a multiple of 5 when rolling 2 dice?

The probability is 7/36

What is the probability of answering a 9 question true false test correctly if you randomly guess?

The probability of getting the first answer correct is 1/2 The probability of getting the first two correct is 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/(22) The probability of getting all 9 correct is 1/(29) = 1/512 which is just under 0.2%

What is the probability of getting 100 percent on a four question quiz?

If it is a T/F test; probability correct for each question is 0.5. Since there are 4 questions, raise 0.5 to the 4th power; e.g. (0.5)4. So, probability all correct is 0.0625. If a 4 part multiple choice, P(correct) = .25 so raise .25 to the 4th power, or .003906.

On a true or false quiz with a total of four questions what is the probability of getting all four questions correct given that the answers to the first two questions are correct?

you'd have a 50% chance of getting the 3rd and 4th question correct because you said the first 2 questions are already anwsered correctly :)