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0xffef + 1 = 0xfff0.

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Q: In digital electronics the number that comes immediately after ffef base 16 number system is?
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What is the name of the number system used to represent digital electronics?

Digital electronics devices handle numbers in the form of the binary system. That is, the numbers are represented in base-2, with only two digits. That way, when a digit comes along, it's much easier for the electronic device to decide what digit it is.

Why all digital devices use binary number system?

The binary number system inside the electronics of a computer is generally represented by a high or a low voltage, a charged or uncharged capacitor, or sometimes even a switch that is on or off. That these electronics are generally in either one or the other state, the binary system is the simplest.

Which number system is used to represent color in digital graphics?


Why do you learn number system in digital logic?

One of the biggest applications of digital logic is using circuits to perform arithmetical operations. While theoretically, any number system could be used, binary is the most simple to express in terms of digital logic circuits.

Who advocated the binary number system?

The binary system is not used because someone advocated it. It's used because each digital computer is composed of an enormous number of on-off switches. The obvious way of representing 'on-off' in numbers is as one or zero, which is the binary number system. If you ask why couldn't computers be composed of 10-way switches well that's a matter of electronics. It would be much more difficult to build those than the two-way switches.

Related questions

Why is digital electronics preferred for computation?

Digital electronics deals with binary number system and the digital system can easily understand binary number system so processing is easy . no any more level like analog so chances of error reduce, very high speed of operation. These devices also require low power for proper operation.

What is the name of the number system used to represent digital electronics?

Digital electronics devices handle numbers in the form of the binary system. That is, the numbers are represented in base-2, with only two digits. That way, when a digit comes along, it's much easier for the electronic device to decide what digit it is.

What is Current trends in digital switching system?

Two modern trends in digital electronics: smaller and faster.

Why all digital devices use binary number system?

The binary number system inside the electronics of a computer is generally represented by a high or a low voltage, a charged or uncharged capacitor, or sometimes even a switch that is on or off. That these electronics are generally in either one or the other state, the binary system is the simplest.

Digital electronics?

This question is incomplete, what is digital electronics? it is a two state system that work with ones and zeros a zero is at ground potential and a one is between 3 volt and 5 volt

What is the meaning of 1 and 0 in digital electronics?

In digital electronics "1" generally means on," 0 " means off. This simple system is the basis of all electronics that male up computers and the uses of digital signal analysis. All the data in computers can be broken down to one and zero.

What are the subjects in the electronics and communication?

signal and system,digital logic design , engineering maths,

Digital electronics qa?

This question is incomplete, what is digital electronics? it is a two state system that work with ones and zeros a zero is at ground potential and a one is between 3 volt and 5 volt

What is significance of digital electronics?

Digital Electronic is modern way of electronics technology it deals with logic function and operation (logical). It can only understand binary number system which is 0 or 1 . all the information which to be processed is converted to digital after that processing done. it has several advantages like- high speed, low noise , less error , low power consumption and high reliable.

Why is binary numbering system commonly used in digital electronics?

Zero and one - either on or off.

Discuss the branches and sub-branches of electronics?

fuzzy electronics, digital electronics, integrated circuit, analogue electronics, microelectronics, semiconductor, semiconductor devices, microelectronics, circuit design,VLSI design, embedded system

Advantages of Digital number system over decimal system?

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