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Q: In how many ways can a music teacher arrange 24 students in 3 rows?
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A music teacher provides a solid foundation for future musicians and prepares a music based curriculum. They conduct the students in songs, choose songs that are played, and teaches students about the instrument that the student chooses to play. They do many more things in addition to all of these things.

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There are: 825/55 = 15 students per teacher

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· There are many reasons as to why students are escaping classes: 1. They have a very strict teacher and they have not completed the work assigned by the teacher 2. The teacher teaching them is dull and the students become disinterested in the subjects.

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It will probably take 7 years to become a music teacher.

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64% of 25 = 16 students

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40C5 in mathematical language. This corresponds to factorial (40) divided by [ Factorial (40-5) into factorial (5)] or 40 x 39x 38x 37 x 36 / 5x4x3x2x1 or 658008

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84 students and six teachers.Students per teacher = (number of students) / (number of teachers)= 84 / 6= 14