An equation means an expression with an equal sign in it (=), and that makes sense. For example 4 + 3 = 7 is an equation, while 4 + 3 = 6 or 4 + 5 are not equations. The first one is incorrect, while the second one is an expression.
The word equation describes a statement that two sets of something are equal to one another.
In mathematics, the two sets can consist of numbers, letters, or symbols.
In chemistry, an equation describes - in symbols - the changes that take place in a chemical reaction.
In everyday usage, an equation suggests one or more things are equal to one or more other things, or describe the varying aspects which need to be taken into consideration when analyzing a situation.
what does equation mean
There is not a specific word that is used to bold a number in a math equation. Generally, a number or letter is not bold in a math equation, if a letter is of significance, it is normally capitalized.
The word minimum means that for instance if you had an equation like this,the minimum deposit for a new checking account is $75 that means that it can be $75 dollars or more.
what does key mean in math
do you mean math equation? If you add a number to both sides of an equation you do not change it. That is called algebra
Domain is the independent variable in an equation. It is what you put "in" the equation to get the Range.
the word equivalent means equal to the certain fraction
The word is algebraic. It is a type of math equation.
what does equation mean
"Quadratic Equation"
There is not a specific word that is used to bold a number in a math equation. Generally, a number or letter is not bold in a math equation, if a letter is of significance, it is normally capitalized.
Depends how you use it. It can mean equal Or it can mean the equation
There is no real answer to the equation given.
The word minimum means that for instance if you had an equation like this,the minimum deposit for a new checking account is $75 that means that it can be $75 dollars or more.
what does key mean in math
an inequality is a equation simalr to a normal one but the to equations are not = they use they signs < > = sin with a line trough it and < > signs with underlines