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The Chesapeake colonies.

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Q: In the seventeenth century due to a high death rate families were both few and fragile in?
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During the sixteenth century and the the seventeenth century what was the major reason for the high death rate among the north American from disease?

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He was a successful French scrivener and manuscript-seller. After his death Flamel developed a reputation as an alchemist but these legendary accounts only appeared in the seventeenth century.

What does it mean when you are thinking about death?

That life is fragile

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Since the 17th century, the United States has executed 22 individuals who were under the age of 18 at the time of their crimes. However, in 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that executing individuals who committed their offenses before turning 18 is unconstitutional, making it presently prohibited.

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St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th. This date is considered the date of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. The holiday was made an official Christian feast day in the seventeenth century.

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The cast of Heat Death in Families - 2006 includes: Annaflora Somers Amelia Tanttila

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Infectious disease was the leading cause of death prior to the 20th century !:]

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How does Indian culture deal with death?

Indian culture deals death with mourn. They mourn for the loss of the families.

What century was the death of Jesus?

Jesus died in the first century AD or CE.

What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century?

The leading cause of death in the late 19th century was chicken pox which children were most affected. Another common disease was tuberculosis.

What century can be inferred that the masque of the red death probably occurred?

It can be inferred from The Masque of the Red Death that it occurred in the 14th century. The plague manifested for several decades in this century and showed up again in both the 15th and 16th century.