The independant variable is the variable being manipulated or changed. The dependant variable is the results. For example, seeing how different amounts of steroids affect someones body weight. The independant would be the steroids because you are changing the amount. The dependant is the body weight because those are the results you are getting back.
Dependent variable is the variable that can be measured. However, the independent variable is the variable that changes in the two groups.
Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D
It means that they are not supposed to be together.
I'm doing a science project on if fingerprint patterns are inherited? what is the control, independent variable and dependent variable? An ''independent variable is a ''variable which is presumed to affect or determine a dependent ''variable. independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.'''''' Example; In price and sales relationship one can manipulate price to check its effect on sales, so sale is dependent and price is independent variable.
The dependent variable is the effect of an independent variable. For example, if a science experiment is done with plant growth under a certain amount of light, the height of the plant is the dependent variable because it depends on the amount of light.
Math: Independent variable is what you change. Dependent variable is what you measure.
Dependent variable is the variable that can be measured. However, the independent variable is the variable that changes in the two groups.
a independent variable is a variable changed in a science experiment,and a dependent variable is the result according to the cause of the change in the independent variable.
independent and dependent
Science Answer: The Dependent Variable is the Variable that changes automatically during the experiment when the Independent Variable is changed by somebody. :D
In an experiment, the dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured and affected by changes in the independent variable. It is the variable being studied for its relationship to the independent variable.
controlled variable, dependent variable and independent variable
Independent variable and dependent variable
It means that they are not supposed to be together.
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Dependent variable would be : too many jellyfish. Independent variable would be tentacles probably.
The independent variable is the variable you change. The dependent is the variable you measure and the contol variable is the variable that you keep the same.