No, the decimal representation of any number has the same numerical value.
It's greater than 5 and 75
Depends if it is in decimals .75 is the simplest form. is it is in fractions then it is three forths
Yes. It is .001 greater.
If a decimal is less than one, it cannot be greater than one.
i think its $ 0.075
It's greater than 5 and 75
Depends if it is in decimals .75 is the simplest form. is it is in fractions then it is three forths
The question itself is wrong why is the .0157 not named as 1.57 if a number is higher than a 100 its is called at 1.00 but which is greater? its the .0157
Yes. It is .001 greater.
no all decimals are greater than 0 but not by much
If a decimal is less than one, it cannot be greater than one.
There's no place where 5.49 is greater than 5.5
Multiply them by a number greater than 100.