3 months
87 months is the same as 7 years and 3 months.
3 months and 21 days
36 months is 3 years.
3 years and 3 months.
a very long time
most of the time they were 3-5 months
Just to be awkward, I rather think it should be 3 months' time. Months are not in possession of time !!!! I believe it would be "3 months time". Answer above is correct in that months cannot be in possession of time; however, "3 months' time" would still be giving the word "months" possession.
Yes you can. 3 months means you healed a long time ago.
the duration time is about 2 to 3 months
3 months in real time
3 months
3 months
In months, 543 months.
8 years and 3 months
3 months.
About 3 months(12 weeks)