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Q: Is A The set of even numbers between 0 and 12 finite or infinite?
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What is the difference of finite and infinite?

its 2 types of numbers Finite numbers: have an end. they can be extremely long, but as long as they have an end at some point they are finite Infinite numbers never end. 1/3 is infinite, because the 0,3333 continues forever without even reaching exactly 1/3. 1/4 is finite, because it is exactly 0,25. So basically infinite numbers can never be written down exactly (in a decimal way), no matter how much paper you use, whereas finite numbers can.

How many even numbers are there?

It is infinite. Infinite since numbers are infinite.

Are even numbers finite?


Is intersection of two countably infinite sets can be finite?

Easily. Indeed, it might be empty. Consider the set of positive odd numbers, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are countably infinite, but their intersection is the empty set. For a non-empty intersection, consider the set of positive odd numbers, and 2, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are still countably infinite, but their intersection is {2}.

How many numbers are they?

there is an infinite amount of numbers. even between 0 and 1 due to decimal places.

Example of Infinite set?

Even in math, the word "infinite" has different meanings in different contexts. Infinite sets include the set of natural numbers, the set of integers, the set of rational numbers, the set of irrational numbers, the set of real numbers, and the set of complex numbers.

Is the intersection of two infinite sets always an infinite set?

No. It can be infinite, finite or null. The set of odd integers is infinite, the set of even integers is infinite. Their intersection is void, or the null set.

What are the substets of real numbers?

I believe it's accurate to say that there are an infinite number of subsetsof real numbers. Not only that, there could be an infinite number of subsetsthat have an infinite number of members.A few of them would be:the odd numbersthe even numbersthe even numbers between 10 and 20the even numbers between 10 and 22the even numbers between 10 and 24the even numbers between 10 and 26the integers greater than 137the numbers between 4.0 and 4.1 that have more than 2 decimal placesthe prime numbers greater than 68,597the integers containing at least one '6'the powers of '2'...etc.

What geometric shape is the universe?

Nobody knows. They do not even know if it is finite or infinite.

What is the ratio of the number of even numbers between 1and 100 to the number of odd numbers less than 180?

It is 0 since the number of odd numbers less than 180 is infinite and a finite number "divided by infinity" is zero. However, if you limit yourself to positive integers, then the ratio is 49/90, which cannot be simplified.

What are the different types of set?

In terms of size: the null set, a finite set, a countably infinite set and an uncountably infinite set. A countably infinite set is one where each element of the set can be put into a 1-to-1 correspondence with the set of natural numbers. For example, the set of positive even numbers. It is infinite, but each positive even number can me mapped onto one and only one counting number. The set of Real numbers cannot be mapped in such a way (as was proven by Cantor).

Is that true that set of odd numbers in an infinite set?

Yes the same as even numbers are in an infinite set