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Q: Is a constant function on a measurable set is measurable?
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If constant function is measurable then is it necessary that domain is measurable?

yes.since this functin is simple .and evry simple function is measurable if and ond only if its domain (in this question one set) is measurable.

What is an example of a simple borel measurable function?

One example of a simple Borel measurable function is the indicator function of a Borel set. This function takes the value 1 on the set and 0 outside the set, making it easy to determine its measurability with respect to the Borel sigma algebra.

What is a function defined by an equation of the form ykx where k is a nonzero constant?

Set of instruction are known as function.

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What is function of capacitor in 555 IC?

the capacitor and its associated resistor set the time constant.

The inverse image of measurable set is measurable?

Possibly under certain conditions, but not generally. Consider a nonmeasurable set A, and define f(x) = 1 if x in A 0 otherwise. Then {1} is certainly measurable but the inverse image {x | f(x) = 1} = A is not measurable.

The rate of change of any nonlinear function is constant?

No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.

Is utility constant along a demand curve?

utility is not constant along the demand curve

Can you replace a formula with its function so it can remain constant?

No but if you replace a constant with a function it will remain a formula

How would you prove that there are no closed contours in the contour plot of a harmonic function?

This is not exactly true as a constant function is harmonic and has closed contours as its contour plot (i.e. the entire plane is closed). However, any function that has closed contours can be shown to be the constant function. Here is how. If, say u, is a harmonic function which is constant on a contour which is closed, then the inside of that contour is a domain (simply connected set if that has any meaning to you). By the maximum and minimum principles respectively, the function u must attain both its max and min on the boundary i.e. the contour. This number is a constant and since the maximum is the same as the minimum we can conclude that the entire function is constant on the insides of the contour. From there we can extend this function to the entire plane by identity principle.

What is a constant function?

A constant function is a function that always yields the same output value, regardless of the input. In other words, the function's output is a fixed value and does not depend on the input variable. Graphically, a constant function appears as a horizontal line.

What is the definition of a linear function?

a linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and a single variable.