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Q: Is a dot a multiplication symbols?
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What dot symbol is an x with a 2?

The dot between different numbers or symbols is used for multiplication.

What does the x stand for in maths?

At the lower levels it stands for multiplication, at more advanced levels it stands for the cross product of vector multiplication (in three or seven dimensions). The multiplication operator can also be a dot on the line ( . ), a dot above the line ( 𝆴 ), an asterisk ( * ), and probably some other symbols as well.

What does a dot in an equation mean?

A dot stands for multiplication. Ways to show multiplication: 10a 10 x a 10(a) 10 *dot* a

What are the 3 multiplication signs?

multiplication signs: x , * , . , (Dot)

What does the dot between a two numbers mean?


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What is 2.5x4x5?

are the x's multiplication symbols? if so, the the answer is 50

What is the difference between finding the dot product and using scalar multiplication?

They give us different results. The dot product produces a number, while the scalar multiplication produces a vector.

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Who was the first to use the dot?

Gottfried Leibniz was the first to use the dot (.) to indicate multiplication of algebraic terms in 1686

What is the name of the math symbol multiplication dot?

It's called an Interpunct.

What are three ways to indicate multiplication in a mathematical expression?

You can use the common X multiplication symbol, a dot, or use parenthesis with a coefficient next to them.