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No because you died.

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Q: Is a ratio always never or sometimes a rate?
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Is a rate always a ratio?

yes because a ratio is a rate so a rate would have to be a ratio

Is a ratio always a rate?


Is a rate ever a ratio?

It is often a ratio.

Is it true that a ratio is a rate?

No. It can be but need not be. For example, you might calculate the ratio of today's temperature in Celsius and in Fahrenheit and calculate the ratio. That is not a rate.

Is a ratio or rate that compares a number to 100?

A percent is a ratio, or rate, that compares a number to100

How are a rate and a unit rate related to a ratio?

my dick will answer

What is the relationship between surface area to volume ratio and the rate of diffusion?

The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion

A ratio of two measurements with different units?

The ratio of (distance) / (time), called "speed".The ratio of (speed) / (time), called "acceleration".The ratio of (force) / (area), called "pressure".The ratio of (force) / (acceleration), called "mass".The ratio of (mass) / (volume), called "density".The ratio of (distance) / (volume), sometimes called "fuel economy".The ratio of ( 1 ) / (time), called "frequency".The ratio of (energy) / (time), called "power".

How does surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect rate of diffusion?

The surface area to volume ratio of a cell affects the rate of diffusion in that the higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion. This is a directly proportional relationship.

What is the solution of a unit rate?

A unit rate is a ratio: it does not have a solution!

What is performance ratio of desalination plant?

the ratio of the distillate mass flow rate to the mass flow rate of the steam used

What characteristics of a ratio define it as a rate?

When the second element of the ratio is 1.