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B or P : Brackets (Parentheses)

I or E : Index (Exponent)

DM or MD : Division and Multiplication. Equal priority, evaluate from left to right.

AS : Addition and Subtraction. Equal priority, evaluate from left to right.

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Q: Is a rule used to clarify which procedures should be performed first in a given mathematical expression?
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CPT modifiers are used to clarify services and procedures performed by providers. A list of all CPT modifiers with a brief description is located insider the front cover of the coding manual.

What is modifier in medical billing?

CPT modifiers clarify services and procedures performed by healthcare providers. HCPCS modifiers accompany HCPCS codes to provide additional information regarding the product or service identified.

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CPT modifiers clarify services and procedures performed by healthcare providers. HCPCS modifiers accompany HCPCS codes to provide additional information regarding the product or service identified.

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