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Yes, the sine function is a periodic function. It has a period of 2 pi radians or 360 degrees.

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Q: Is a sine function a periodic function?
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How is sine affiliated with waves?

Waves are periodic function, as is the sine function.

What is the graph of sine function is periodic at?

The graph of the sine function is periodic at every point. Periodic means that the value of the function at every point is repeated after an integer multiple of the period.

What is the relation between sine wave and frequency?

A sine wave is a periodic function and, by suitably adjusting the argument of the sine function, can be made to fit a wide functions with different frequencies.

What is the domain of the sine function?

The domain of the sine function is [-infinity, +infinity].The range is [-1, +1].The sine function is periodic. It repeats itself every 360 degrees or 2PI radians.

Is sine and cosine a periodic function?

Yes they are. Both have a a period of 2 pi

What is the greatest number of x-intercepts a function can have?

There is no fixed limit. A periodic function, such as the sine function, can have an infinite number of x-inercepts.

Why sine cannot measure angle larger than 45?

It can. The sine function is defined for all numbers--negative, 0, and positive. The function is periodic and repeats every 360 degrees.

What is Fourier transformation?

Fourier transform. It is a calculation by which a periodic function is split up into sine waves.

Is sine of an angle directly proportional to an angle?

No. The sine of an angle is not directly proportional to the angle. It is a function of the angle, but it is periodic, repeating every 360 degrees of the angle.

Why are sine and cosine functions used to describe periodic?

because sine & cosine functions are periodic.

What are the Differentiate the sine wave and cosine wave?

The differential of the sine function is the cosine function while the differential of the cosine function is the negative of the sine function.

Is sine a trig function?

Yes, sine is a trig function, it is opposite over hypotenuse.