

Is sine and cosine a periodic function?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes they are. Both have a a period of 2 pi

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Q: Is sine and cosine a periodic function?
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Why are sine and cosine functions used to describe periodic?

because sine & cosine functions are periodic.

What are the Differentiate the sine wave and cosine wave?

The differential of the sine function is the cosine function while the differential of the cosine function is the negative of the sine function.

What is the derivation of the wave function?

A simple wave function can be expressed as a trigonometric function of either sine or cosine. lamba = A sine(a+bt) or lamba = A cosine(a+bt) where lamba = the y value of the wave A= magnitude of the wave a= phase angle b= frequency. the derivative of sine is cosine and the derivative of cosine is -sine so the derivative of a sine wave function would be y'=Ab cosine(a+bt) """"""""""""""""""" cosine wave function would be y' =-Ab sine(a+bt)

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.

What is the difference between negative sine and cosine graphs and positive sine and cosine graphs?

The negative sine graph and the positive sine graph have opposite signs: when one is negative, the other is positive - by exactly the same amount. The sine function is said to be an odd function. The two graphs for cosine are the same. The cosine function is said to be even.

How can you tell if a graph is a sine function or a cosine function?

sine graph will be formed at origine of graph and cosine graph is find on y-axise

What is the equation of sine and cosine function?


Is a cosine function continuous?

Yes. The cosine function is continuous. The sine function is also continuous. The tangent function, however, is not continuous.

Is the sine functions an odd function?

Yes. Along with the tangent function, sine is an odd function. Cosine, however, is an even function.

Is a sine function a periodic function?

Yes, the sine function is a periodic function. It has a period of 2 pi radians or 360 degrees.

How is sine affiliated with waves?

Waves are periodic function, as is the sine function.

Is cosine a periodic function?
