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No, they can only be jump continuous.

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Q: Is a strictly monotonic function absolutely continuous?
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Is a monotonic function a bijection?

No. For example, y = 7 is monotonic. It may be a degenerate case, but that does not disallow it. It is not a bijection unless the domain and range are sets with cardinality 1. Even a function that is strictly monotonic need not be a bijection. For example, y = sqrt(x) is strictly monotonic [increasing] for all non-negative x. But it is not a bijection from the set of real numbers to the set of real numbers because it is not defined for negative x.

Explain why a and b must be equal if log a equals log b?

It is because the logarithm function is strictly monotonic.

Is every bijection a strictly monotonic function?

No. For example, consider the discontinuous bijection that increases linearly from [0,0] to [1,1], decreases linearly from (1,2) to (2,1), increases linearly from [2,2] to [3,3], decreases linearly from (3,4) to (4,3), etc.

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It is a square number but not a perfect square. The nearest perfect squares, on either side, are 4^2 = 16 and 5^2 = 25. Since there is no integer between 4 and 5 and the square is a strictly monotonic function, 18 cannot be a perfect square.

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Absolutely not! Iguanas are strictly herbivores.

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What are the characteristics of graph of exponential function?

If graphed in standard form (for example, x-axis is horizontal, with increasing values towards the right):The function value increases from left to right (it is strictly increasing monotonic).The function is concave upwards (its slope increases from left to right).It crosses the y-axis a y = 1.Values are always positive.Towards the left, values get closer and closer to zero, but never quite reach it (if x tends towards minus infinity, y tends towards zero).Towards the right, the function value is unbounded (if x tends towards plus infinity, y tends towards plus infinity).

How do you show log x is convex?

Log x is defined only for x > 0. The first derivative of log x is 1/x, which, for x > 0 is also > 0 The second derivative of log x = -1/x2 is always negative over the valid domain for x. Together, these derivatives show that log x is a strictly monotonic increasing function of x and that its rate of increase is always decreasing. Consequently log x is convex.

Under normal circimstances officers and enlisted can share living accommodations?

Absolutely not. That's considered fraternization, and is very strictly prohibited.