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It all depends on your school districts grading scale. It's a C at my kids' school!

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Q: Is an 83 percent a high or low b?
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Is a b a 83 percent?

A b is 80% - 89%

83 percent in school a A?


What is the letter for grade for 83 percent average for class?

83 % is a B

Is an 83 percent closer to a B or a C?


Amplifier of class B has high theoretical efficiency of 78.5 percent because?

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The notes to scarborough fair on the recorder?

(low) e, e, b, b, f (sharp), g, f#, e (low)b, d (high) e (high), d (high), b, c, a, be (high), e (high), e (high), d, b, b, a, g, f#, d (low)e (low), b, a, g, f#, e (low), d(low), e(low)hope this helps :)

What grade do you get if it is 12 out of 25?

10 out of 12 gives you 83% which is a B.

What are the recorder notes for By the rivers of Babylon?

low d, low d, low d,g,a,b,b,b low d,g, a,b,b,c,b,a,a ,a ,a,b,a,g

What notes can a saxophone play?

A Typical saxophone can play from a low B to a high f. Professional saxophones can play from low b to high f sharp. Select soprano saxophones can go from low b to high g and select bari saxes can go from low a to high f.

What grade is 83 percent?

If your teacher grades "on a curve" it depends on what the others got on the test/course. If most got in the high eighties and even middle nineties then 83% might be pretty poor (C, D, or whatever) but if the 83% is the best in the class it would be an A.If the grading is not on a curve (like in some of the courses in my high school when I grew up in the 60's) 83% was considered a B-.Each teacher had the right to grade as he/she saw fit.

Only two candidates were running what percent of the voters voted for candidate a 7310 voted for a 1490 for b?

7310 plus 1490 equals 8800. 7310 divided by 8800 equals .83 or 83% for A, leaving 17% for B.

What are the violin notes for the song of the wind?

G A B A B C B A G A B A G B A(long) REST D(high) B G A B C B A G A B A G B A(long) REST DD(high long) DCD C(long) CA BD(low D) D(long low) (low Ds:) DD D(long) DD(high) DCD(high Ds) C(long) CG BD D(LOW) DD D(LONG LOW