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yes and i have seen one [ it wasn't pretty]

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Q: Is it possible for a human to be born with two heads?
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Can a person have 2 heades?

Yes, it is possible. Just recently, a baby was born with two heads on one body.

What happens when a snake is born with two heads?

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

How do flatworms grow two heads?

they become mutatted before they are born so when they are born the have 2 heads

What do you call people with two heads?

they are called human beings same as you or i

How many possible outcomes are there for each two tosses?

heads and tails

What is the probability of exactly three heads in four flips of a coin given at least two are heads?

If you know that two of the four are already heads, then all you need to find isthe probability of exactly one heads in the last two flips.Number of possible outcomes of one flip of one coin = 2Number of possible outcomes in two flips = 4Number of the four outcomes that include a single heads = 2.Probability of a single heads in the last two flips = 2/4 = 50%.

Do caterpillars have to heads?

No, caterpillars only have one head and two eyes. It is very rare for an animal/human to have 2 heads.

Can snakes be born with two heads?

Yes, snakes can be born with two heads in a rare condition known as polycephaly. This happens when the embryo fails to fully split into two separate individuals during development. While these two-headed snakes can survive in captivity with proper care, they usually have difficulty surviving in the wild.

How many possible outcomes when tossing 3 coins?

three heads two head, one tails one heads, two tails three tails

What is the name of a child with two heads and one body?

A a child or other young animal born with two heads is called dicephalic.

How many possible outcomes would there be if thirty two coins were tossed once?

Since each coin would have the outcome with Heads and Tails: Then among the 32 coins, we can have the possible outcomes from no Heads, 1 Head, 2 Heads, ....... , 31 Heads, 32 Heads. Therefore we would have 33 outcomes.

What causes calves to be born with two heads?

genetic mutation