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Q: Is it possible for a line to pass through only one quadrant?
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Is it possible for a line to pass-through only one quadrant?


Is it possible for a line to be in only quadrant?

Only in a single quadrant? No. A line can be in two, or in three, different quadrants.

Is it possible to construct a line that is parallel to any given line and that passes through a point that is not on the given line?

Yes. That's always possible, but there's only one of them.

How many lines of symmetry can be drawn through an isosceles triangle?

The Isosceles triangle only has one possible line of symmetry; and that is through the vortex, AKA: The middle, in a vertical line.

How many lines can be drawn to pass through two points?

There is only one possible line that can can through two different points, presuming there are no overlaps.

How many lines can be drawn to pass through two different points?

There is only one possible line that can can through two different points, presuming there are no overlaps.

What is needed to determine a line?

Two points determine a line. Also there is one and only line perpendicular to given line through a given point on the line,. and There is one and only line parallel to given line through a given point not on the line.

Tan equals 0.3421 sin equals 0.3237 Which quadrant does it terminate?

The value of tan and sin is positive so you must search quadrant that tan and sin value is positive. The only quadrant fill that qualification is Quadrant 1.

What quadrent has 3.3 in it?

quadrant one has two positive numbers. quadrant two has neg. x numbers and positive y numbers quadrant three has two negative numbers quadrant fout has pos. x numbers and negative y numbers. 3.3 is only one value. you need two number to find the quadrant. 3.3 lies on the x-axis and doesnt lie in a quadrant. therefore you answer is no quadrant.

Which is the equation of the line through 111 and -22?

The line goes through two numbers, so it can only be the 1-dimensional number line.

What kinship systems is based on only one line of descent?

A unilineal kinship system is based on only one line of descent, either through the father's line (patrilineal) or through the mother's line (matrilineal). In patrilineal societies, descent, inheritance, and roles are traced through the father's line, while in matrilineal societies, they are traced through the mother's line.

Is it possible for a live power line to explode a car?

Only in the movies.