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Q: Is it possible for a logarithm to equal zero?
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Is it possible for a logarithm to equal a negative number?

Yes. The logarithm of 1 is zero; the logarithm of any number less than one is negative. For example, in base 10, log(0.1) = -1, log(0.01) = -2, log(0.001) = -3, etc.

What is the value of logarithm of zero?

The value of the common logarithm is undefined at 0.

What is the logarithm of 1.0?

Zero, in logs to base 10, base e, or any base.

Why can the base of a logarithm be neither less than or equal to zero nor equal to one?

A logarithm is written like this: logab It is asking: 'How many a's must be multiplied together to get b?' or 'To what power must a be raised to get b?' Those questions are normally impossible to answer if a is zero or one, because these numbers remain the same no matter what the power. If a is negative, then the need to introduce imaginary and complex numbers will arise.

Is it possible to have a shape with zero equal sides and four right angles?

no because that is not possible

Why log you is unmdefined?

I am not quite sure what you mean with "log you"; the log is calculated for numbers. The following logarithms are undefined: For real numbers: the logarithm of zero and of negative numbers is undefined. For complex numbers: the logarithm of zero is undefined.

Why is log -10 display an error on the calculator?

In the real numbers, the logarithm is only defined for positive numbers. The logarithm of zero or a negative number is undefined. (For calculators who work with complex number, only the logarithm of zero is undefined.) This follows from the definition of the logarithm, as the solution of: 10x = whatever "Whatever" is the number of which you want to calculate the logarithm. Since 10x is always positive, that means you can't find an "x" such that the power results in a negative number, or in zero. The same applies if you use a base other than 10, for example the number e = 2.718...

Is it possible to have zero resultant if you have at least one of its components not equal to zero?

It is very much so possible, 2 - 2 = 0 and neither one of the subtractants are 0 but resulted in a zero resultant.

Why does one to the power of zero equal zero?

Any number to the power zero equals 1. A possible exception is zero to the power zero. Some people claim it is equal to zero, others say it equals one, consistent with any other value. Still more say that the result of zero to the power zero is an undefined value. With the possible exception of zero, the statement above holds true for any value.

How do you convert a logarithm in to a exponential?

A logarithm can not be converted in to an exponential, as an exponential is defined for all real numbers, while a logarithm is only defined for numbers greater than zero. However, a logarithm can be related to an exponential by the fact that they are inverses of each other. e.g. if y = 2^x the x = log2y

What does ln2 equal?

Assuming you mean 'logarithm to the base 'e' ( natural logarithm. On the calculator its symbol is 'ln'. Hence ;ln 2 = 0.69314718....

What is a number for which a given logarithm stands?

A number for which a given logarithm stands is the result that the logarithm function yields when applied to a specific base and value. For example, in the equation log(base 2) 8 = 3, the number for which the logarithm stands is 8.