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Q: Is it possible to draw a trend line on a scatter plot that shows no association?
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When is there no trend line for a scatter plot?

When no possible relationship between the two variables in question is statistically significant.

What is the definition of negative trend?

A trend that decreases downward in a scatter plot.

What is a trend on a scatter graph?

Its when the datas points are going upwards or downwards

What trend line means?

The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight.

Can a linear trend line can be obtained by using a least square method rather than a scatter diagram method?

A scatter diagram will give a quick but rough extimate of the trend line - especially if there is a lot of variation about the trend. The least squares method will be more accurate.

What is the definition of a no trend?

In mathematics, if the data in a set shows no relation, then that set shows no trend.

What is a purpose of a scatter graph?

By finding a correlation trend by means of line of best fit.

What graph shows a trend over time?

A line graph shows a trend over time.

What two sets of data are being compared by a scatter gram?

Values on the x axis is compared with values on the y axis and the line of best fit indicates a possible trend of the data collated.

Why can you say that this graph shows a trend What is the trend?

This graph shows a trend because it displays a pattern or direction in the data over time. The trend can be increasing, decreasing, or remaining relatively constant.

What graphs are used in finding trends in data?

Scatter graphs are best. Line graphs are OK if the trend is linear but not much good if the trend is non-linear.

What is the name of the line that does not connect the dots but shows a general trend?

A trend line.