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When no possible relationship between the two variables in question is statistically significant.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

When there is no trend!

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Q: When is there no trend line for a scatter plot?
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What trend line means?

The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight. The trend line for a scatter plot is a line that best captures the nature of the relationship between two variables. It may or may not be straight.

Does the trend line always pass through every point on a scatter plot?

No. When you draw a best line of fit on the scattered plot, the line would not be straight.

What is the definition of negative trend?

A trend that decreases downward in a scatter plot.

How can you use a scatter plot to find an equation of a trend line?

By finding the line of best fit and using the straight line equation formula.

A line on a scatter plot that helps show the correlation between data sets more clearly?

A line of best fit or a trend line.

What is the most accurate trend line on a scatter plot showing the relationship between two sets of data?

Line of best fit

What is a line on a scatter plot that helps show the correlation between data sets more clearly?

The answer to ts question is....Trend Line.

Does a trend line always pass through every point on a scatter plot?

No, that would be quite unusual if if did, although not impossible.

What is a scatter plot line graph used for?

Scatter plot line graphs are used:In research to see trendsby Actuaries to predict insurance ratesby economist to predict the economyThe general idea is to derive a trend or general theme for a series of points of data.

When looking for a mathematical relationship between two variables use?

line graph or a scatter plot.

What is a line plot using dots?

A scatter plot.

What word is a line plot using dots?

A scatter plot.