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Q: Is it possible to take the union of two open intervals and get a closed interval?
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Is it possible to take the union of infinitely many open intervals and get a closed interval?

No, it is not.

Is it possible to take the union of two closed intervals and get an open interval?


X plus X equals X What does X equal if it is not 0 or infinity?

X = (-infinity, 0) U (0, infinity) The above is read as X equals negative infinity, comma zero, union, zero, comma infinity on an open interval (By the way, this interval is made up of two intervals). A parenthesis by a value indicates it is not included. This means X could equal anything between -infinity and 0 and X can equal anything between 0 and infinity. X can not equal -infinity. X can not equal 0. X can not equal infinity. The interval is open because none of the starting or ending values can be a value of X (It's a parenthesis by all the starting and ending values). There is a parenthesis by 0 because 0 is not a possible value of X (the question says so). There is a parenthesis by -infinity and infinity because they are not real numbers. So whether either of them is included in the answer, they always have a parenthesis by them. If a number was included in an interval, there would be a square bracket by it, like this: [ or ]. If the starting number and the ending number on the interval is included then the interval is closed.

What is the difference between union closed shop and a union shop?

A union closed shop is a workplace in which only union workers are allowed and to work and an open shop allows non union workers

What is the difference between a union closed shop and a union shop?

This question needs to be rewritten. I can think of union terms for "open/closed" shops, but I am not sure this is what you want.

In a closed shop union membership is?

In a closed shop, union membership is required. The employer agrees to hire union members only. The employees must remain members of the union in order to remain employed.

Companies that can only hire union workers are called?

closed shop

Is western union closed on Easter Sunday?

there are no western union open we went to almost all manila branches and sm establishment and they are closed

When equation 3 divided by 3 - x less than 5 give the solution as an interval or as the union of intervals?


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What is the union closed-shop policy?

The closed-shop policy, which was outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947, forced workers to join the union in order to be hired at a company and to remain a union member in order to continue employment.

What are Four types of union arrangements?

Closed shop. Agency shop. Open shop. Union shop.