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Q: Is it true if a magnet is floated on a cork in water and balanced on a sharp point will one end will go east and the other will point west?
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Is the median the center of balance of triangle?

Yes and no. Each median divides the triangle into two such that for any point on the median, the mass on one side is balanced by the mass on the other. But the mass ahead of that point may or may not balance the mass behind. It is the point of intersection of the medians - the centroid - which is the centre of mass or centre of balance of the triangle.

Why the imaginary lines of magnet never intersect?

If they would intersect, that would mean that at one point in space, the field lines point to two different direction simultaneously. A compass needle would have to point to two different directions at once.

How does a compass use magnetism?

A compass would not work without a magnet. Inside the compass is a magnet which moves to line up with the Earth's natural magnetism. The north pole of the magnet is attracted to the south pole of the Earth. As such, the magnet moves to always be lining up in this way. When you use a magnet, you can see this in action as the needle moves around to always point northward and from knowing this, you can tell which way you are facing.

What is the difference between points and coordinates?

A point is a zero-dimensional object. It has no length, width, height, etc. Coordinates are the numerical location of that point. Point A can be at the coordinates (2,3) on a Cartesian grid.

Why every clock shown the time 10 10?

The time 10:10 is used for clocks in advertisements because it is considered visually attractive; it is balanced and the hands point upward.

Related questions

What is a neutral point?

A neutral point is a location or a situation where opposing forces or factors are balanced and cancel each other out, resulting in a state of equilibrium with no net effect. It can refer to various contexts, such as in physics, economics, or decision-making.

Where does a compass point when it is moved close to a magnet?

That depends on which pole of the magnet it is moved close to. If it is brought close to the "South" pole of the magnet, the "North" pointer of the compass will be attracted to the magnet. If it is brought close to the "North" pole of the magnet, the "North" pointer of the compass will be repelled and will point AWAY from the magnet, while the "South" end of the compass pointer will point to the magnet.

What causes the magnetic compass to react with a magnet?

A magnetic compass reacts to a magnet because it aligns itself with the magnetic field produced by the magnet. The compass needle is itself a small magnet, and it will point towards the stronger magnetic field of the external magnet.

Why does freely suspended magnet always point in the same direction?

A freely suspended magnet will always point in the same direction because it aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field. This causes one end of the magnet to point towards the Earth's magnetic north pole and the other end to point towards the South pole.

If you hang a magnet on a piece of cotton which way would it point?

The magnet would point towards either the North or South pole, depending on the orientation of the magnet. This is due to the Earth's magnetic field which influences the alignment of the magnet.

What would happen when a bar magnet is held in the air by string?

When a bar magnet is held in the air by a string, it will align itself along the Earth's magnetic field lines. One end of the magnet will point north while the other end will point south. This behavior is due to the interaction between the bar magnet's magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field.

If there was a magnet beside a compass would the compass point to the north or south?

If there is a magnet beside a compass, the compass needle would be influenced by the magnetic field of the magnet rather than Earth's magnetic field. The needle would point towards the opposite pole of the magnet, so if the magnet's north pole is beside the compass, the compass needle would point towards the south.

How can the polarity of a magnet be determined?

Use a compass. It will always point to a magnet's south pole.

What is the melting point of magnet?

Depends on what it is made of.

What Three properties of a magnet?

1. Magnets attract iron and other ferromagnetic materials such as neodymium and cobalt. 2. Magnets attract or repel other magnets. 3. In addition one part of a magnet will always point north when allowed to swing freely.

Where would a magnet not point North?

at the North Pole

Does a compass point to north only in winter?

Nope. It should point that way all the time unless you put a magnet near it and cause the needle to follow that magnet.