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Yes its the same. No sexual contact

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1y ago

No, chastity is not always defined as sexual abstinence. While it can refer to abstaining from sexual activity, it can also encompass broader concepts such as practicing moderation, self-control, and maintaining purity in thought, word, and action. The definition of chastity may vary depending on cultural, religious, or personal beliefs.

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Q: Is it true that chastity is always defined as a sexual abstinence?
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Is Chastity ALWAYS defined as sexual abstinence?

No. If you are married, does this mean you are not allow to have sex? That statement should not include "always" Of course, you must abstinence sexual desires, if you are unaged, or (in bad cases) rape, and sexual abuse.

What is the meaning of chastity in 18 treasures?

Chastity means abstinence from sexual intercourse (purity).

What does the virtue of chastity require?

The virtue of chastity requires maintaining sexual purity, whether through abstinence or fidelity within marriage. It involves self-control, respecting oneself and others, and valuing intimacy as a sacred and meaningful aspect of relationships.

What are the types of sexual abstinence?

Sexual abstinence can be practiced in various forms, such as complete abstinence from all forms of sexual activity, abstinence from certain sexual activities (like penetrative intercourse), or abstinence for a specific period of time. Other forms of sexual abstinence include emotional abstinence, where individuals abstain from forming romantic or sexual relationships.

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The meaning of chastity?

Synonyms of chastity include pure, clean, chaste. Chastity, a mature term, can be the practice of faithfulness and fidelity, but it is essentially the practice of refraining from extramarital sexual intercourse.

What is chasity?

Chastity is not engaging in sexual behaviours.

How do you use chastity word?

One aspect of chastity is avoiding sexual intercourse until you're married.

What is Abstinence of Refraining from sexual relations?

That means that you refrain from sexual intercourse - in other words, that you don't have sexual intercourse.

What has the author Joel written?

Joel has written: 'The law of life' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Lust, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Sexual abstinence, Sexual abstinence, Shakers, Spirit writings

What is the difference between abstinence and celibacy?

The English word celibacyderives from the Latin caelibatus, "state of being unmarried", from Latin caelebs, meaning "unmarried". Often blurred with the word Abstinence incorrectly, as the original Latin is very specific about being unmarried.Continence is self-restraint or abstinence in regard to sexual activity.Abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse. (includes Continence).Chastity is the condition or quality of being pure or chaste. Choosing to live a life akin to virgins.Temperance refers to moderation and self-restraint and sobriety to gravity in bearing, manner, or treatment.

What is the differences between chastity and celibacy?

Chastity is the state of purity, free from impure thoughts and actions. Celibacy is the state of not being married.