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Q: Is it true that the product of any three consecutive number is divisible by 6?
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Why is the product of any consecutive integers divisible by 6?

There must be three consecutive integers to guarantee that the product will be divisible by 6. For the "Product of three consecutive integers..." see the Related Question below.

Can you find three consecutive natural numbers none of which is divisible by 3?

No. Every third consecutive natural number is divisible by 3.

What are thress consecutive integers of 140?

Not sure what thress is. If three, then there is no answer since the sum (or product) of any three consecutive integers must be divisible by 3.

If you take the 3 numbers in any consecutive trio and multiply them together to get a new number that new number will always be a multiple of 6 why is this?


What are 3 consecutive numbers whose sum is 125?

That doesn't work. The number has to be divisible by three. Any three consecutive numbers add up to a multiple of three.

The sum of 3 consective numbers is divisible by 3?

Any three consecutive integers are divisible by three because it can be shown that the sum divided by three is the middle number.

Can the sum of any three consecutive whole numbers be divisible by 6?

Yes, if the first number is odd.

What number is three times the product of two consecutive numbers?

0,6,18,36,60,90,126,168, etc

Product of three consecutive natural number is 120 what is their sum?

Their sum is 15.

What are the 3 consecutive even number with sum of 32?

The sum of any three consecutive even numbers must be divisible by 3. 32 is not, so there is no solution.

What are the three consecutive integers divisible by 6?


What three consecutive natural numbers are not divisible by three?

0, 1, 2