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No, but it is important.

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Q: Is maths important for genetic engg?
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What are the subjects for genetic engg?

If you want to take Genetic Engineering, you must pass Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

Is maths important in schooling?

Yes very much so maths is quite important in schooling.

Anna university Private engineering colleges in chennai?

Algappa College of TechnologyGuindy, Chennai-25Ph: 044-223521126/2132Madras Institute of TechnologyChromepet, Chennai DistrictPh No: 044-22238560, 22235852-850st.joseph engg collegeCRESENT engg collegeR.M.K engg collegeSAI RAM engg collegeHindustan engg collegeEaswari engg collegeMeenakshi soundarajan engg collegePanimalar engg collegeRajalakshmi engg collegeSatyabama engg collegeR.M.D engg collegeVellamal engg collegeSaveetha engg collegeSt.peters engg collegeJeppair engg college

What is mean of product plus or minus in maths?

The product in Maths is a number that you get by adding or deducting the numbers. Plus, or Minus is an important part of maths. Learning and understanding how to find the product in maths is an important foundation for developing their skills in maths.

Which is better mechanical engg or marine engg?

I think mechanical engg.

Why Is Maths Subject Important?

Maths is a important subject because if you don't do maths then you probably will not get a good job i.e. a scientist or a shop worker

Which is important maths or English?

Both are very important. However maths could still be taught in other languages if English were not available.

Is MA and MPhil in maths applicable for faculty position in Engg college?

Unless the job ad says different, I'd have guessed you'd need at least a doctorate (PhD, EngD, etc)

Why is maths day celebrated?

Maths day is celebrated due to it being made by important people like this Greek mathematican called Pythagoras of Samos. He invented The maths 'Pythagoras Theroem'. We celebrate it to remember who made maths a important subject.

Is maths necessary for genetic engineering?

yup.. maths is necessary ... bt only basics ..

Can i study biotechnology if i don't have maths subject?

Not really you must have atleast a knowledge of Maths because maths is the most important skill in our life without maths i cant imagine the future

Is IIT an Engg. college?

IIT is a Collage for Engg.