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In both cases, the area becomes 4 times what it was originally.

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Q: Is the affect the same on a square versus a rectangle when the dimesions are doubled?
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What are the dimesions of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 38 units and an area of 60 square units?

The dimensions are 4 units by 15 units

What happens to a rectangle if length is doubled and breadth is triple?

It becomes a bigger rectangle - possibly a square.

If the liner dimensions of an object are doubled how much dose the total area increase?

If the linear dimensions of a square or a rectangle are doubled, the area of the object will be quadrupled.

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quadruples it

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A square is a rectangle even through a rectangle is not always a square.

Is a rectangle the same as a square?

No. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square.

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No, it will be quadrupled.

What is a square is a rectangle?

A square is always a rectangle, but it is a rectangle that isn't a square.

What is a rectangle a square?

A square is always a rectangle, but it is a rectangle that isn't a square.

What is an rectangle?

a rectangle cant be a square but a square can be a rectangle

Is a rectangle a square or is a square a rectangle?

O.K. to help you guys out a square is a rectangle. a square is a square that has four sides the same rectangle is not a the same only to sides are there that are the same for each side. Hope i helped you out

Is a square a kind of rectangle or a rectangle is a kind of square?

A square is a type of rectangle!