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Q: Is the equation of a line always linear?
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Is the graph of linear equation is always a straight line?

Yes. That's why it's called a linear equation

What does the graph of the equation 2x-3y equals 6 look like?

The equation 2x - 3y = 6 is a linear equation and a linear equation is always has a straight line as a graph

How can you tell from a linear equation which direction it goes without graphing the equation?

You must find the slope, if it is positive, then the line is always increasing. If it is negative, then the line is always decreasing.

How can the degree of the equation tell us if the equation is linear or not?

A linear equation always has a degree of one because the slope has to be constant to form a line. So, x + 7 is linear, 7 - x is linear, 4x - 3.7 is linear, but anything with x2 , etc. is not linear.

What is the name of an equation of a line?

It is a linear equation.

When does an equation graph a line?

When it is a linear equation.

Why are linear equation named linear equation?

Y = 5X - 3It form a linear function; a line.

When an equation forms a straight line what is it?

a linear equation.

How are linear inequalities different from linear equations?

A linear equation represents a line. A linear inequality represents part of the space on one side (or the other) of the line defined by the corresponding equation.

Where did the word linear equation came from?

It is an equation which, if plotted will be represented by a straight line (hence linear).

What can graph a linear equation?

the line

Is an equation whose grap is a straight line?

A linear equation.