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Q: Is the p53 gene under expressed or over expressed in li-fraumeni?
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Chromosome that has both dominant and recessive gene?

A chromosome can have both dominant and recessive genes for a specific trait, but only one gene will be expressed in an individual. The dominant gene will be expressed over the recessive gene in a heterozygous individual. This is known as the principle of dominance in genetics.

What is a reccesive gene?

A recessive gene is a gene that is only expressed if an individual has two copies of it, one inherited from each parent. In the presence of another dominant gene, the recessive gene's trait is not expressed.

What is meant by dominat and ressesivegene give an exampleof each?

A dominant gene refers to a gene that is expressed over another gene in the same position on a chromosome. It will always show its trait in the individual's phenotype if it is present in their genotype. For example, if a person inherits a dominant gene for brown eyes, they will have brown eyes regardless of whether they also have a recessive gene for blue eyes. On the other hand, a recessive gene refers to a gene that is not expressed when there is a dominant gene present. It is only expressed in the phenotype when there are two copies of the recessive gene in the genotype. An example is the gene for blue eyes, which will only be expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive gene and no dominant gene for brown eyes.

How many copies of a recessive gene does it take to overpower a dominant gene?

It takes two copies of a recessive gene to overpower a dominant gene. This is because a dominant gene will be expressed over a recessive gene in individuals who carry one copy of each type.

Why can a person have one copy of the CF allele and be perfectly normal?

CF is recessive, and as such, the gene for non-CF is dominant over this gene. The CF gene will only be expressed in the phenotype and as a characteristic if the person has two of the recessive alleles.

Several of the different globin genes are expressed in humans but at different times in development what mechanism could allow for this?

The regulation of globin gene expression during development is controlled by changes in the chromatin structure and interactions with transcription factors. Specific DNA sequences within the globin gene promoters and enhancers play a role in determining when and where these genes are expressed. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, also influence the timing of globin gene expression during development.

What is dominant and recessive?

These are terms used in a punnet square. Dominant is the Phenotype, or a gene that is predicted to be expressed in a heterozygous being- the offspring of two beings with different traits. Recessive is the Genotype, or a gene that is predicted to be hidden in the Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, (DNA,) of a heterozygous being. Sometimes there is Codominance, where both genes are fully expressed, or incomplete dominance, where the genes are mixed, and are partially expressed.

What genes are recessive traits?

These traits are called dominant traits. They will overcome the recessive gene and the dominant trait will be expressed. A recessive gene needs two alleles present in its genotype to be expressed.

Why are recessive alleles not always expressed as the phenotype?

Recessive alleles are not always expressed as the phenotype because an individual needs to inherit two copies of the recessive allele (one from each parent) in order for it to be expressed. If an individual inherits just one copy of the recessive allele paired with a dominant allele, the dominant allele will determine the phenotype.

What does dominence mean?

Dominance refers to having power and control over others or a situation. In genetics, dominance refers to a gene that will be expressed and override the effects of a recessive gene.

What trait is expressed when two different genes for the same trait are present is called?

This is called co-dominance - when both genes are expressed and visible in the phenotype.

What are dominit and ressive?

It seems like there is a typo in your question. If you meant "dominant" and "recessive," they are terms used in genetics to describe the relationship between two versions of a gene. A dominant gene will be expressed over a recessive gene when present in an individual's genetic makeup.