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Q: Is the product of two odd numbers always even?
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Is the product of two odd numbers odd or even?

The product of two odd numbers is always odd.

What are two odd numbers that make the product of an even number?

No such numbers exist; the product of two odd numbers is always odd.

When you multiply any number of even numbers will the product always be odd?

No, the product will always be even.

What is the result of product of even numbers and odd numbers?

If you multiply one even number by one odd number, the result is always even. In general, if you multiply several numbers, and at least one of the numbers is even, the product is always even. This is because "even" means "multiple of 2", and if one of the factors contains a 2 as a factor, so will the product.

Is the product of 2 prime numbers always even?

No, the product of 2 prime numbers is not always even. If one of the prime numbers is 2, then the product will be even. However, if both prime numbers are odd, then the product will be odd.

When the factors are odd the product answer always will be?

The product of two odd numbers is always odd.

The product of odd numbers is always even?

An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. Odd times odd is always odd.

What is the product of two odd numbers?

The product of two odd numbers is always an odd number.

Is sum of odd numbers always even?

The sum of two odd numbers is always even; the sum of three odd numbers is always odd; the sum of four odd numbers is always even; the sum of five odd numbers is always odd; etc

the product of two even numbers is even and the product of odd numbers is odd explain with an example?

Any number, regardless of odd or even, if multiplied by an even number, is always even. Ex: 4x6 is 24 4x5 is 20 5x5 is 25

What do you know about the product of odd and even numbers?

There are 3 cases: An even number time an even number such as 2*6=12 is always even. Proof: Since even numbers can be expressed as 2*X and 2*Y, their product is 4xy which is even. An even number times an odd number (same as odd times even) such as 2*3=6 is always even. Proof: 2X represents an even number and 2Y+1 represents an odd number. Their product is 4XY+2X=2(2XY+X), which is even. An odd number times an odd number such as 11*11=121 is always odd. Proof: Let 2X+1 and 2Y+1 be the two odd numbers. Their product is 4XY+2X+2Y+1 = 2(2XY+X+Y)+1, which is odd. Summary: the product of two numbers is always even unless the two numbers are both odd.

Which pair of numbers has an odd product and an even sum?

Any two odd numbers will have an odd product and an even sum.